The right time management is a great challenge during your studies. Especially in the time of the bachelor thesis and master thesis structured work is required! Concentration problems, constant indecision and disorientation are not uncommon. So you are not alone! That's why we have our tips for time management today.

Why time management tips are so important for the university

If you write a term paper, bachelor thesis or master thesis, you have a big task ahead of you. Writing a scientific paper is a small-scale work process that consists of many steps. Many of them run parallel to each other. Then there is the pressure to complete the work within a limited period of time with a good mark. To keep the nerves and the overview, you have to develop a good time management.

First Tip for Time Management: Create a Schedule!

It's not easy to create a schedule for the thesis. It's even harder to stick to the schedule. Therefore this
should be set up realistically and with buffers. In our article on the topic " Creating a Timetable" we show you with an example how a good timetable for the bachelor thesis can look like. Without a plan, you will have the feeling that you have to do it all at once - and that's a terribly bad starting point for successful time management in the bachelor thesis or master's thesis!

Try writing techniques!

There are various writing techniques that can help you get your work on paper. Many students have problems concentrating on writing several hours a day. We are happy to be distracted - not a few undergraduate students have the cleanest apartment of all time in the bachelor phase. An example of a writing strategy is the "Pomodoro method". Here you always write 25 minutes at a time, then there is a break. How exactly that works, we tell you in our article .
Time management and reading techniques

Not only writing is a challenge, even reading the literature can be quite exhausting. You have to pick out the really relevant information from hundreds of pages. How about simply brushing through all the unimportant parts in your texts? This is not a joke, but a proven reading strategy. Team Thesius explains how it works .

Trick yourself!
You will know it: you urgently need to write your thesis. Instead, you surf the Internet and watch the trailer of movies you do not want to see. The problem is procrastination ! Luckily, there are add-ons that keep you from surfing. These block you, for example, pages with which you can be distracted especially often. We tried it: This is one of the best time management tips!

Use bibliographic management programs!
Please believe us: There are better methods for literature management than a Word document. For a master's thesis, quickly 100 sources come together. If you do without a specialized program, it's inevitable that you're getting bogged down.

Which type of learning are you?

Not all people learn and work the same. Therefore not all methods are equally good for every student. Find out what type of person you are and customize your way of working. Then you can also better estimate which time management tips work for you.

Try the Bullet Journal

You will not use the classic appointment calendar in March? Everywhere your sticky notes fly around? That's maybe a bullet journal for you. Here you have your appointments, your ideas and your leisure activities together in view. It's perfect for your time management because you can customize it.

Use special writing programs!

There are writing programs that promote concentration. Here you can simply start typing - there is no taskbar, no menu, no settings. Only you, a free space and your text. Optionally, you can set calming music. That sounds good? Long here !
With our time management tips you can concentrate on writing your thesis, bachelor thesis or master thesis! Have a look at our tutorial manual or the tutorial for the bachelor thesis. If all else fails, there is also an emergency plan for upcoming exams.