Find a job after graduation - a great challenge. Those who have successfully completed their bachelor's or master's degree often find themselves unprepared for the pitfalls of the job market after the initial euphoria. We will explain to you how to find the first job after graduation and how the Thesius Job Exchange works!

Preparing for the job search after graduation - IM study

Even before the end of your studies, you should think about how you want to find work after you graduate - early on. Many degree programs do not prepare for one job. Especially in the humanities there are almost infinite possibilities. "Germanist" is only a profession at the university. Outside the university, humanities scholars work in advertising agencies, publishers, public administration, archives, etc.

First step: gain practical experience in the study

Many find it difficult to find work after graduation because they do not know what they want to do. In order to even find out what you want to do after graduation, you should try it out during your studies. Do not do internships and part-time jobs anywhere, but in areas that interest you.

Build your skills!

If you have found an area where you enjoy, you should expand your experience here. Apply specifically for internships and part-time jobs in this area. If you are then looking for a job after graduation, you will stand out from the mass of applicants due to your previous experience

Write your thesis in the company!

In many courses of study it is possible to write your thesis in practice. At Thesius you can apply directly for thesis work in the company . So you already gain important work experience in the final phase. The topic "finding work after graduation" is then often very simple: The chances of taking over are very good, because companies have an interest in keeping gifted graduates.

Find work after graduation - AFTER the final thesis

If you have submitted your bachelor thesis or master thesis and the oral exam is over, it will be serious. The chapter "Uni" is finally completed and you are ready for new challenges! So it's called: job hunting. The following points should be considered when looking for a job after graduation:

First step: Do not panic!

If you are looking for a job after graduation, you will not always find a job smoothly. In many places several hundred graduates apply and cancellations are often the rule rather than the exception. Be aware that this is normal. Many graduates take up to a year to find a first job after graduation. Unemployment after graduation is usually not an issue for a long time. The unemployment rate among academics, however, is still consistently low - for all departments. Your first job is safe!
Finding work is work

In your application phase, you should take your applications as seriously as your studies. Apply is your job! Sit down at the desk every day. Get rituals. For example, search for an hour each day for new job opportunities and work continuously on your records. 

Collect experience

If you can afford it financially, it makes sense to complete suitable internships after graduation. Those who rely on unemployment benefit II - that is Hartz 4 - are not allowed to do so. But perhaps also a volunteer activity comes into question, which stands in connection with your dream place.

Find a job after graduation - use the offers of your university!

Many universities offer advice to graduates looking for a first job after graduation. Often, the Employment Agency also has a field office on-campus and offers academic job counseling. Here you can also check your application documents. Be sure to use job fairs for graduates, where companies in your region introduce themselves. Here you can make valuable contacts.

Be visible!

It's true - Personals googling you. Contrary to persistent rumors, no comprehensive evaluation of your holiday photos on Facebook or your Amazon reviews will probably take place. Really unpleasant entries from the Tokio Hotel Forum, which appear on the first page, you should still delete if possible. If you want to find work, you should pay attention to a serious online presence. In any case, you should therefore have on the popular career portals a neatly completed profile. On Thesius not only you can look for great jobs, but you can also be found by companies! A meaningful profileis particularly important here.

Use the right portals

In addition to the job exchange of the Employment Agency and your regional newspaper, you should keep an eye on the right job markets. Inquire if there is a special offer for your department. It may also be worthwhile to join a professional society.

It is often not easy to find out if a job offer is also aimed at young people at the university. The special feature of our Thesius job exchange is its specialization on graduates. Here you can find job offers that are explicitly addressed to you.

Write down everything!

To find the right work after graduation, you should start early to take helpful notes. A friend got a great job, but there is nothing free at the moment? Write down the company and look again in three months! Create a document with helpful websites, interesting companies, job boards, etc. Build your own knowledge network!

Trust yourself - there is no perfect candidate

Apply to job advertisements where you do not fit 100% in the profile. The perfect candidate does not exist! You can not know what your competition looks like. Maybe you lack work experience, but the HR manager is totally impressed by your social commitment. Job search does not work according to a fixed schedule, so be brave!