Every human being is born with a talent or gift. Some carry their talent into adulthood and become successful. Some fall short and others just stop trying. In the back of my mind, I guess I always wondered what causes people to fall into these categories and why so few actually turn their talent into success.

When I was a little kid I asked my grandmother why her cooking always tasted soo good? She simply replied, “Baby, you just gotta put ah little love in it.” I didn’t understand it then, but I think I understand it now.

In the bible, Colossians 3:14 says, “Love is the bond of perfection,” but to say someone isn’t a success because they don’t love what they do enough, would be inaccurate. There are plenty of talented people who love what they do and still never make it. However, if you take someone who love what they do so much that they desperately desire to share their gift with the world, then that motivation might be enough to weather any storm. This is why I believe Michael Jackson was so successful because of his deep desire to share his thoughts and feelings with the world. It seemed as if the more he shared his talent, the more his talent grew. When it comes to life long careers-though not perfect, Michael Jackson’s career is the closest to perfection we will probably ever see.

So on the surface, we can see how love and the bond it creates between people, can cause our talents to bring a successful harvest. Nonetheless, underneath it all still lies an even more profound reality that affects our physical and spiritual will being. The best way to explain this would be on an atomic level. So please try to stay with me; trust me, I’m going somewhere with this.

Atomic Bonding

All atoms literally want to be happy. Happy is the term chosen by scientists to describe an atom’s desire to become stable. How? Suppose an atom requires 8 electrons around its outer shell to be stable but it only has 6. This atom is not happy because it lacks 2 electrons. Suppose a second atom also needs 8 electrons to become stable but it currently has 10. So it needs to dump 2 electrons. According to science these 2 atoms will seek each other out and an exchange will take place. After this giving and taking, both atoms will now posses 8 electrons and both will be happy.

Remarkably, when you peruse science books and websites that describe methods of atomic bonding, some say atoms lose electrons, rob electrons, or fight over electrons.

Waters main feature is the fact that its atoms bond through a process called covalent bonding which is the strongest form of atomic bonding. In this scenario atoms share their electrons with neighboring atoms so that both are happy and stable.

This beverage that has been around for thousands of years never spoils and has other unique properties that makes it the most unusual liquid in the Universe and it is these mysterious properties that account for the very existence of life.

A covalent bond mirrors the ultimate purpose of life, which is to share unconditionally with one another. In other words, the ideal situation would be, each of us is utilizing our innate drive and ambition for success, to fulfill other people’s needs. Since the rest of the world would be focused on fulfilling our needs, we would no longer need to worry about our requirements. Sharing becomes the only reality.

This kind of perfect love we will probably never see on this side of eternity, but we are still obligated to try. Also when we walk in this perfect love, life will begin to open unforeseen doors for us, causing the transitions of our lives to be much more smoother.

We should also consider, that our behavior and actions, determines the quality and strength of the bonds in every atom in our being. Selfish egocentric consciousness undermines the bonds, disrupts the healthy recycling of atoms in our body, and makes us vulnerable to the environmental influences of illness and aging.

In simplest terms, when we are reactive, living a life governed by self-interest, our atoms resonate with our consciousness. They will tend to want to dump (instead of share) there negative load (electrons) on neighboring atoms to make themselves happy and stable. When an individual is consumed with extreme selfish and acute negative behavior, the electron’s distance from the proton in its own atom will become so great it will break free from the atom. This condition creates what medical science calls a free radical, which is responsible for considerable mayhem within the body.

If you truly grasp what has just been said, then you will begin to understand that the power of life and death are in you. Your mind and consequently your body, will always respond to your thoughts and your words. No one has the power to speak doubt into our life unless we give them that power by believing it. Only you have the power to speak faith our doubt into your life. Every thought and every word you speak contains a seed of either faith or doubt, which once planted within our consciousness, will grow then manifest itself in our lives.

So is love the bond of perfection? You bet it is. To love ourselves with thoughts of peace and prosperity will set the stage for a healthier you. To love your neighbor as yourself, with words of hope and encouragement, will provide seeds of peace and prosperity in your surrounding environment. And by all means, if you know what your talent or gift is, share it with the world. Like Grandma said’ “ The love that you put in it,” might just be what we all have been missing.