"The Day The Curtain Came Down"

On Wednesday February 27, 2008 at 5:30a.m. while working for a sanitation company in New York city, my co-worker(Sampson) and I was at the 59th street dump dropping our load of garbage we picked up that night. The whole night I remember praying and meditating, asking God certain questions in my mind as I usually would do while working. While my co-worker was dumping the garbage from our truck into the barge below, I was on the other side of the truck with my eyes closed, half sleep and half still meditating. When I heard that the garbage had stopped dumping I opened my eyes and on the ground still wrapped in plastic was a book. "Huh" I thought. I've been needing a new bible and this looked to be one. " Nice one God!" But when I picked it up there was no writing on the front cover. "Very odd" I thought. So I put it in the truck and took it with me anyway. When I arrived home I pulled out the book and saw on the back the word Zohar, with an eleven on the side of the book. After figuring out how to read it because the writing is from right to left, I familiarized my self with some of the words and meanings in the books glossary and began to read. Once I read the first page a light, (metaphorically speaking) went off in my head and I was truly enlightened by what I discovered. I paused for a moment, to think about the wisdom I had just been blessed with. While at that moment I started hearing something that sounded as if it was coming from my roof. When all of a sudden, "BOOM!" The curtains in my room had fallen down. (Literally.)

"Butterfly Dreams" 

The next day I went on the Internet to find out where this book came from, and found a location here in Manhattan. So I went to the location and told the people there my story. They were amazed at what happened to me and pointed me towards some books that would help me begin my journey. The first book I read was The Power of Kabbalah. After reading that book everything started to make since. This book answered the very questions I was asking God all along. Most of the answers He had already given me, but I assumed it was just my mind producing its own theories. After that I read the book True Prosperity and every book in The Wisdom Box. After that I decided to put Kabbalah to work in my life. The first week was very difficult but I made it threw without a single reactive moment. By that weekend I went to church and song and praised and even asked one of our members if I could pray with him for the healing of some illnesses he has been going through. These are things I never would have done a week ago. The second week was even harder then the first. There was a point when I wanted to give up and give in to my thoughts of " This Kabballah isn't working, lets just go back to the old way of doing things." And I just could not shake those feelings. Then I remembered one of the Kabbalah tools which is to take your mind of your problems and help someone else out with theirs. So that night at work I tried very hard to be as helpful to my co-worker as possible. Him and I don't get along at all, but that night I treated him like royalty. Helping him with his portion of the load, driving for him when he got tired. I know he thought I must have bumped my head. But since that day, we've had no problems between us. That morning after work I was home sleeping. When I rolled over and saw a butterfly right in front of me so close it looked as if it would land on my nose. So I rolled over and went back to sleep thinking, "I'll just deal with it later. When I woke up again, my first reaction was to look for the butterfly. But then I thought, " Wait a minute, it's winter time in the Bronx and all my windows are shut, what am I crazy? I had to be dreaming". But after pondering that dream all day, I realized what it meant. That someting in me had changed. Just as a caterpillar in time changes into a butterfly.

"The Journey"

I am truly excited about the life that is ahead of me. Where there was darkness within me, now there is light. Where there was anxiety, now there is joy. And where there was doubt, now there is certainty. And all the praise belongs to God, "blessed be His name ". For he is the giver of all that we possess. But above all things that can be acquired, I will seek wisdom. Wisdom is an ally no man can do without. It was here before us and will be here when life as we know it is gone.

You see when we acquire wisdom, we are blessed with the main ingredient that played a major role in the creation of our entire existence. And to me my friend, that is worth searching for. But I will not just search in high, lofty places. Or just in churches or synagogues. But I will seek her every were and in everything. Even if it means searching threw a little garbage.

God Bless the writers of the books, The Power of Kabbalah, True Prosperity and so many more. And thank you for your endless efforts to bring light into the World.