Gateway to Creativity

Enthusiasm; Absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit; lively interest. Simply put, enthusiasm is composed excitement. For example when we dance or watch a good movie. When we participate in a game or sport. Or it can be applied when we spend time and space with someone. It is all composed meaning action had to be taken. When action is put forth with enthusiasm in public, it can come to be contagious. This phenomenon can be observed during arena style concerts and sports.

If you have ever been to a football game in Europe or the States, then I am sure you have experienced this affect. Because of enthusiasm’s endemic nature, many political, social and religious movements are fueled by the power of enthusiasm.

When we execute our daily activities with enthusiasm, we connect to that same spirit. That connection is the difference between a good athlete and an excellent athlete. The difference between a mediocre teacher and a brilliant teacher. When our time is spent in this mindset, possibilities are endless. Otherwise, when our energy is spent dealing with personal prejudice, stigmas or insecurities, our daily opportunities become limited. Creation itself is hindered by our limitation, our inability to give every moment the appropriate amount of enthusiasm. When our efforts are executed with enthusiasm it commands our presents and brings us into the moment. In this state by nature awareness is heightened. What enthusiasm is not, is trying to be happy. It is simply being.

One of the most powerful catalysts for enthusiasm is gratitude. Being thankful for our current state breeds enthusiasm, which sparks creativity. So no matter our current state or situation, when this formula is utilized, inapt thoughts are removed, and the capacity to create new situations and states becomes available.

So if your planning something be thankful for what you currently have and what your plans may bring. Then get into the moment, feel the enthusiasm, and plan. Creativity will follow. When it is time to execute those plans, apply same formula. Rather we are brushing our teeth in the morning, or operating a space shuttle, enthusiasm is the difference between mediocrity and greatness. sfwm8kqcyz