Bali - what you do not hear all about this island. Extreme mass tourism and totally overpriced prices on the one hand. The most beautiful spot on this planet and the friendliest people on the other side.

Some of the claims about the island could not be more different and further apart.

Of course, we wanted to know what was going on with these claims and made our own picture. So we were on the island for two whole months and got around a lot.

Our conclusion? We really fell in love with Bali immortal! For us, the island is a true paradise and we can only say one thing: Bali is really a very special place that has completely captivated us!

Why this is so and why Bali is still extremely worthwhile today, we now show you:
1. There is less tourism than you might initially believe

Yes, there is tourism in Bali. And yes, there is also mass tourism in Bali. But do you also know that Bali is huge and most of the tourism is spread over a few small areas of the island?

Namely, the island itself has a total area of ​​5780 km² and is about 37 times larger than Thailand's second largest island Koh Chang and more than 10 times larger than Phuket, Thailand's largest island.

In the meantime, more than 4 million Indonesians live on Bali, many of whom still have nothing to do with tourism. So there are still many places and areas that are untouched and that show you Bali in its original splendor.

Strong tourist corners you should avoid Kuta, Denpasar or Seminyak. The cultural center Ubud is now very touristy, but still worth a visit.

2. The surrounding small islands are absolutely amazing

Not only Bali is amazing, but also the many small islands right next to it. The best known are probably the Gilis or Nusa Lembongan .

However, you can find a real paradise that has been completely spared by tourism until now on Nusa Penida .

Describing this island in a few words is simply not possible and is one of the most wonderful things we have ever seen! It is just 1 ½ hours by ferry from Bali.

If you want to know more about Nusa Penida, have a look here: Why Nusa Penida will take your breath away
3. The rice fields are among the most beautiful what the earth has to offer

Oh my god, these rice fields in Bali. Is there anything better on this planet?

I do not want to tell so much here, just let some pictures speak for themselves. A little tip: Give yourself the Tegalalang rice terraces, which are in every travel guide.

Too much going on! Look at the gigantic Jatiluwih rice terraces instead.

4. Bali is cheaper than you might think

Whoever has started the rumor that Bali is extremely expensive, was probably in the Sheraton and has every evening bring caviar pate to the room. Honestly. In the end, Bali is similar to Thailand or even Malaysia.

If you want, you can easily throw your money out the window, but if your budget is rather small, you can easily get by on Bali and still treat yourself from time to time.

However, with a big advantage: rooms with aircon are much cheaper in Bali as for example in Thailand and cost hardly any extra charge!

While we mostly have to settle for a fan in Thailand, we always get air conditioning in Bali for the same price and usually much nicer accommodations. The food is also priced at a very low level and also international cuisine is available for the most part for reasonable prices.
5. The food in Bali is heaven on earth

Without lying or praising Bali in the seventh heaven, but we have rarely eaten as well and healthy as there! The Indonesian cuisine is unfortunately a bit varied, but incredibly delicious.

Be sure to try Nasi Campur!

Also, there are plenty of international restaurants that all understand their craft pretty well and are still cheap.

Whether Chinese, French, Mexican, Vietnamese or Italian. You can always find something that you just feel like. Also for vegetarians and vegans there is a huge offer. Especially in Cangguand Ubud . We actually tried a different restaurant almost every day and never once had a letdown.

It was really just delicious by the bank!
6. Bali is the paradise for surfers and yogis

Are you a surfer or a yogi? Or do you want to try both? Then Bali is perfect for you. There are endless surf spots scattered around the island.

For beginners, advanced as well as professionals. It's the same with yoga studios. Especially in Ubud you will find one after the other, but also in Canggu there are more and more.

We also climbed the board in Bali for the first time and also tried yoga.

Both of us really liked it very much and totally fascinated. A Surflesson (about 2-3 hours) with teacher and board costs between 20 € and 30 €. A yoga lesson converted between 6 € and 10 €.
7. Bali has a variety of beaches

Another plus that makes Bali so special are the extremely varied beaches. Here you get everything from white sandy beaches to black volcanic sand.

Especially the dark beaches in Canggu are beautiful and a great change that you certainly will not get every day.

You can find white sand beaches on the Bukit peninsula at the southern end of Bali. Especially the area Nusa Dua can convince with one or the other horny copy! Here it is also a bit touristy.
8. The Balinese are extremely friendly and accommodating

We had expected everything but not with it! The Balinese were the friendliest people we were allowed to meet on our travels.

Sure, there are also rip-offs here, but these are mainly taxi drivers and Indonesians who have dedicated themselves to mass tourism in the areas already mentioned.

But especially in the areas where the tourism is not so pronounced, we were greeted by running on the street band of locals on the street, small children waved to us and in general we were constantly smiled at.

Once, even on the beach, we were invited by an Indonesian family to squat and eat with them. Just because.
9. It is the Hindu center of Indonesia

The main religion in Indonesia is 88% of Islam. However, Bali and the surrounding islands such as Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Penida, etc., are almost completely Hindu. And you really notice that at every turn! Most houses look like little temples, everywhere smells of incense and there is always a Hindu ceremony taking place somewhere.

Rarely have we seen the religion as present in one place as on Bali. However, that is not meant negatively, but rather the opposite.

The Hinduism on the spot really enchanted us! It's just nice to see how suddenly a large group of Balinese in their colorful robes appears out of nowhere and armed with drums, as well as singing through the streets to finally hold a ceremony on the beach.
10. Bali offers the perfect mix of culture, relaxation and adventure

That's the great thing about Bali. It simply offers variety on the fly. Everything is really here! If you want, you get adventures on every corner.

For example, you can climb one of the two volcanoes for a perfect sunrise, go diving or learn to surf. Culture?

Is there enough! Visit one of the many museums, visit the rice fields or attend a Hindu ceremony (only with sarong).

And if it should be a bit quieter then you can just spend the whole day lying on the beach or getting a massage for a little money.